Lately, God has been working on my heart in the areas of thankfulness and joy.  Encouraging me to be careful about grumbling and complaining.

Sometimes in life, we may not really like where we are at.  Heck, we may not even like life, in the moment. 

Let me rephrase that, we might like LIFE, as far as living, (or not).  But, not like our living situation... or, whatever.

We may even need to be forceful in our thought process, to change negativity.

I got to thinking about the Israelites and their being forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Due to their grumbling and complaining, everyone from the older generation was killed off, and never got to enjoy God's promise of deliverence into the Promised Land.  All, but two!  

WAS it unbelief in God's promise of deliverance?

Was it REALLY comfort in their slavery?

Was it bitterness?  Perhaps, bitterness at God?

Maybe, all of the above?

I got to thinking about timing.  Which scripturally, can be argumented on exact amount of years Israelites entered Egypt, became enslaved, and then led into the Promised Land. 

The elders, originally saw Egypt as SAFETY and DELIVERANCE.  That was until new leadership took over, misused their power, and brought the Israelites into captivity.

The older generation(s), were comfortable.  Even, despite the hardship and enslavement.

God, had MORE for them tho!

Maybe it took too long for God to SHOW FOLLOW-THRU of promises?

God didn't meet their expectations?

Perhaps the thought process was, "NOW?!  After all these years?  How much better is THIS new place gonna be?  Are we REALLY going to get there?"

In reality, the Promised Land was the place the Israelites left FROM... because of a global famine and epidemic.  Which biblically, was supposed to last seven years.  Seven years of blessing/provision, and seven years of famine/drought, according to Joseph's interpretation of Pharoah's dream.

Was their grumbling and complaining justifiable?  Probably.  

And, yet, still... God was displeased.  

I almost wonder, "Was it better for them to die in their unhappiness?"  Why bring them back to the originating place (yet, NEW), if they are hung up in a negative thought process?


I personally don't want to miss out on THE NEW, promises, and blessings... Because, my mind is hung up on negativity and past patterns.


Some encouragement tips to myself:

* Look for at least one positive thing a day.  

* Find things to be joyful about.

Focus on THOSE things and give thanks, at least internally.

* Be mindful of people set out to rob your joy, due to THEIR bitterness and complaining.

* Protect your peace.


This year has been a CRAZY YEAR!  Insane year!

Despite all the bad, I can't help but think of what my boy's life has taught me.  

Even in his worst day, and moment... the kid would smile.  

My worst day, could never compare to one, in his shoes!

If I FEEL like crap, physically, I CAN DO SOMETHING about it.  I can see, move, eat... nothing is stopping me, but myself.

I am thankful for good health.  

I am thankful for life.

And, even in the area's of "bad" health, it is in my control to change, for the most part.

If we don't like our living situation(s), we have ability to work towards change.  Even if not, focus on the positive(s).  There's heat, water, a roof over our heads, food, etc.

Two of my children have flown from the nest; another flew to heaven.  One, is soon to fly from the nest; the other, will never really fly, until it is her time to go to heaven;  and the last, has a little bit to go.

I am savoring each day, moment by moment, with my children, choosing to focus on things to be thankful about.

Life is too short!


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